Pale Thistle

This is a grayed out light lavender. To make it, take creme red + medium blue and make a tiny amount of purple. (Or just use a medium purple polish). It just needs one tiny drop. Add some creme white until you get it slightly darker than you want. Mix up a small amount of gray seperately, and then add the gray drop by drop to the lavender. You can also make a creme gray and then add purple to it, but it’s easy to make the color too dark this way. Both will get you a nice grayish lavender.

About nevertoomuchglitter

Nail artist. Wanderer. I'm a color-holic, in fact, it was my love of color that brought me to the nail art world. Well, that, and the fact I was too cheap to pay crazy Japanese prices for nail polish while living in Tokyo, so I had to start mixing my own. That's how NTMG began.
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